Running again within a community

Community is simply defined as "a social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests" (, n.d.). Running is not just a exercise focused on cardio endurance, but a community. In rekindling my relationship with running this year, I’ve found that there are many facets of duality to our tête-à-tête. I don’t have… Continue reading Running again within a community

Perhaps I should stop drinking tea at night and other fun tales of what I’ve been up to

Hi. Instead of hanging my head in shame at the sheer ridiculous amount of time I've ignored this small piece of happiness that is my little blog, I'll recount even shorter pieces of happiness from my not-brief blog writing absence. These are in no particular order and I'm probably forgetting at least three things. My… Continue reading Perhaps I should stop drinking tea at night and other fun tales of what I’ve been up to

Bird Watching and Vacation

The two are not mutually exclusive. Being off from both school and work for 14 days was magical. Talk about a lovely way to mentally and physically reset for the new year! I know that not everyone gets this opportunity, and I am most grateful. Probably the best part was celebrating the end of the… Continue reading Bird Watching and Vacation

Lessons from Jacob Marley

″‘It is required of every man,’ the Ghost returned, ‘that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world—oh, woe is me!—and witness what… Continue reading Lessons from Jacob Marley

Peanut Butter Cookie Memories

So, it was recently my Aunty Pat's birthday. She has been gone a few years now, but my memories of her are not. Today, for no particular reason, I made some peanut butter cookies. (Mini side bar: I amuse myself whenever I can just bake something because I have the ingredients in my cabinets... when… Continue reading Peanut Butter Cookie Memories